Custom events can be any arbitrary JSON as long as you provide Event Metadata
MetaRouter requires a small set of structured metadata to accept and deliver events. In most cases, providing 2 fields
is all we need to process your data: writeKey
and eventName
Event Metadata is added to each event with the top-level key _metarouter
The Event Metadata consists of the following required and optional fields:
All field types are strings.
Field | Required | Description |
writeKey | required | Write Key is your API key. |
eventName | required | Event Name is an arbitrary category for the event. Examples: "order created", "page view", "sign in" |
eventID | optional (auto-generated if absent) | Event ID is a guid/uuid for tracing the lifecycle of an event. If absent, MetaRouter creates a random UUIDv4. |
timestamp | optional (auto-generated if absent) | Timestamp is when the event was created. Must be a string in ISO 8601 format. If absent, MetaRouter sets this field to the current server time. |
anonymousID | optional | Anonymous ID is used for tracking and attribution. It should be a persistent, unique identifier (like a uuid) for an unauthenticated user. |
userID | optional | User ID is used for tracking and attribution. It should be a persistent, unique identifier (like a hashed email or database id) for an authenticated user. |
ip | optional (set if absent) | IP address. If absent, system adds IP address of the http request. |
Inside an event, the event metadata is referenced as a simple JSON object with reserved key _metarouter
The _metarouter
key must be part of the root object.
"_metarouter": {
"writeKey": "abc123",
"eventName": "page view",
"eventID": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
"timestamp": "2021-08-17T15:10:33Z",
"anonymousID": "456e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
"userID": "98765"
"event": "my event fields",
"json": "whatever json you want"
You're free to omit optional fields or fields that MetaRouter auto-generates.
"_metarouter": {
"writeKey": "abc123",
"eventName": "page view"
"event": "my event fields",
"json": "whatever json you want"
To reduce burden on clients, you can use JSONPath expressions to use values
from your event to populate the Event Metadata.
JSONPath syntax resources:
Note the _metarouter.eventName
is a JSONPath expression. In English, this JSONPath query says "use the value at
productCategory as the eventName".
curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d '{
"_metarouter": {
"writeKey": "example",
"eventName": "{ ..productCategory }"
"event": "my event fields",
"productCategory": "kitchen"
Notice the _metarouter.eventName
is set to 'kitchen'. Returns 201 response:
"event": {
"_metarouter": {
"eventID": "a4d896bb-f425-4dac-a214-31940cf94006",
"eventName": "kitchen",
"writeKey": "example",
"timestamp": "2021-08-17T18:08:09Z"
"event": "my event fields",
"productCategory": "kitchen"
"success": true
Request Header
Placing an "_metarouter": {}
object in your event is one way to submit events to the Ingest API.
You can also set the X-Event-Metadata
header to provide a metadata object
curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'X-Event-Metadata: {"writeKey": "example", "eventName": "{ ..productCategory }"}' \
-d '{"event": "my event fields", "productCategory": "kitchen" }'
Returns 201 response:
"event": {
"_metarouter": {
"eventID": "defc1d32-01d7-416e-b9ba-534e04c13121",
"eventName": "kitchen",
"writeKey": "example",
"timestamp": "2021-08-17T18:08:38Z"
"event": "my event fields",
"productCategory": "kitchen"
"success": true
Request Query Params
Placing an "_metarouter": {}
object in your event is one way to submit events to the Ingest API.
Finally, you can place the Event Metadata in the request query params.
curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d '{"event": "my event fields", "productCategory": "kitchen" }'
Returns 201 response:
"event": {
"_metarouter": {
"eventID": "89e4438d-471e-4993-88b5-7e5692239da2",
"eventName": "kitchen",
"writeKey": "example",
"timestamp": "2021-08-17T18:09:06Z"
"event": "my event fields",
"productCategory": "kitchen"
"success": true
Metadata Precedence
If an object is present in X-Event-Metadata
header or the query params, the metadata is merged with
any _metarouter
object in the event. Matching fields in the header or params overrides any existing values in the _metarouter
If you submit both an X-Event-Metadata
header and query params, the header takes precedence and the query params are
Legacy _mrSchema
Previously, event metadata was an object at _mrSchema
. To preserve backwards compatability, the legacy _mrSchema
object is also included in the final event. _mrSchema
will be deprecated in the future. At this time, there is no
timetable for deprecation. MetaRouter will ensure all pipelines and playbooks are updated before deprecating.
The object at _mrSchema
is identical to _metarouter