Custom events can be any arbitrary JSON as long as you provide Event Metadata

MetaRouter requires a small set of structured metadata to accept and deliver events. In most cases, providing 2 fields
is all we need to process your data: writeKey and eventName.

Event Metadata is added to each event with the top-level key _metarouter.

The Event Metadata consists of the following required and optional fields:

All field types are strings.

writeKeyrequiredWrite Key is your API key.
eventNamerequiredEvent Name is an arbitrary category for the event. Examples: "order created", "page view", "sign in"
eventIDoptional (auto-generated if absent)Event ID is a guid/uuid for tracing the lifecycle of an event. If absent, MetaRouter creates a random UUIDv4.
timestampoptional (auto-generated if absent)Timestamp is when the event was created. Must be a string in ISO 8601 format. If absent, MetaRouter sets this field to the current server time.
anonymousIDoptionalAnonymous ID is used for tracking and attribution. It should be a persistent, unique identifier (like a uuid) for an unauthenticated user.
userIDoptionalUser ID is used for tracking and attribution. It should be a persistent, unique identifier (like a hashed email or database id) for an authenticated user.
ipoptional (set if absent)IP address. If absent, system adds IP address of the http request.

Inside an event, the event metadata is referenced as a simple JSON object with reserved key _metarouter.
The _metarouter key must be part of the root object.

  "_metarouter": {
    "writeKey": "abc123",
    "eventName": "page view",
    "eventID": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
    "timestamp": "2021-08-17T15:10:33Z",
    "anonymousID": "456e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
    "userID": "98765"
  "event": "my event fields",
  "json": "whatever json you want"

You're free to omit optional fields or fields that MetaRouter auto-generates.

  "_metarouter": {
    "writeKey": "abc123",
    "eventName": "page view"
  "event": "my event fields",
  "json": "whatever json you want"


To reduce burden on clients, you can use JSONPath expressions to use values
from your event to populate the Event Metadata.

JSONPath syntax resources:

Note the _metarouter.eventName is a JSONPath expression. In English, this JSONPath query says "use the value at
productCategory as the eventName".

curl -X POST \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "_metarouter": {
    "writeKey": "example",
    "eventName": "{ ..productCategory }"
  "event": "my event fields",
  "productCategory": "kitchen"

Notice the _metarouter.eventName is set to 'kitchen'. Returns 201 response:

  "event": {
    "_metarouter": {
      "eventID": "a4d896bb-f425-4dac-a214-31940cf94006",
      "eventName": "kitchen",
      "writeKey": "example",
      "timestamp": "2021-08-17T18:08:09Z"
    "event": "my event fields",
    "productCategory": "kitchen"
  "success": true

Request Header

Placing an "_metarouter": {} object in your event is one way to submit events to the Ingest API.

You can also set the X-Event-Metadata header to provide a metadata object

curl -X POST \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'X-Event-Metadata: {"writeKey": "example", "eventName": "{ ..productCategory }"}' \
  -d '{"event": "my event fields", "productCategory": "kitchen" }'

Returns 201 response:

  "event": {
    "_metarouter": {
      "eventID": "defc1d32-01d7-416e-b9ba-534e04c13121",
      "eventName": "kitchen",
      "writeKey": "example",
      "timestamp": "2021-08-17T18:08:38Z"
    "event": "my event fields",
    "productCategory": "kitchen"
  "success": true

Request Query Params

Placing an "_metarouter": {} object in your event is one way to submit events to the Ingest API.

Finally, you can place the Event Metadata in the request query params.

curl -X POST \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -d '{"event": "my event fields", "productCategory": "kitchen" }'

Returns 201 response:

  "event": {
    "_metarouter": {
      "eventID": "89e4438d-471e-4993-88b5-7e5692239da2",
      "eventName": "kitchen",
      "writeKey": "example",
      "timestamp": "2021-08-17T18:09:06Z"
    "event": "my event fields",
    "productCategory": "kitchen"
  "success": true

Metadata Precedence

If an object is present in X-Event-Metadata header or the query params, the metadata is merged with
any _metarouter
object in the event. Matching fields in the header or params overrides any existing values in the _metarouter object.

If you submit both an X-Event-Metadata header and query params, the header takes precedence and the query params are

Legacy _mrSchema

Previously, event metadata was an object at _mrSchema. To preserve backwards compatability, the legacy _mrSchema
object is also included in the final event. _mrSchema will be deprecated in the future. At this time, there is no
timetable for deprecation. MetaRouter will ensure all pipelines and playbooks are updated before deprecating.

The object at _mrSchema is identical to _metarouter.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!