General Tracking Guidance

When creating your tracking plan, think about any actions that a user within your app would perform that fit into the following scenarios:

  • Those that are important in completing a process within your product, like completing a tutorial or signup process
  • Those that guide a user through the main mechanics of your product
  • Those that enable a user to make an in-app purchase

When you've decided which events to track, you'll be ready to plan your events in MetaRouter.


MetaRouter Event Schema Workbook

We've built a spreadsheet that you can get started with here. Please fill out as best as you can to help us understand what events you will track, what properties will those events have (global as well as per event) and the types of values those properties will be.

General User Behavior Events



Fire this event when a user uses the search functionality on your site.

This event supports the following semantic properties:

queryStringThe text the user submittedCandied Yams


analytics.track('search', {
  query: 'blue hotpants',