What is HubSpot?

HubSpot is a CRM platform that helps clients integrate all they need for marketing, sales, content management, and customer service.

What are the benefits of HubSpot?

The MetaRouter integration with HubSpot allows clients to integrate the custom behavioral events API and send custom events to HubSpot. With the inclusion of the HubSpot sync, MetaRouter also drops the HubSpot tag on the site to gather HubSpot cookies, which are stored and passed along with events. This allows customers to pass both e-mails and the HubSpot cookie for tracking and event attribution.

HubSpot Key Features

  • Send customer data to Hubspot
  • Up to 30% more data tracked compared to third-party tags, enhancing personalization data & opportunities
  • All customer data events and attributes unlocked for custom event mapping and transformation
  • No effect on website load latency

What do I need to integrate?

From HubSpot

Create a Private App

  1. Once logged in, select the [Settings Icon] in the navigation bar.
  2. Navigate to [Integrations] > [Private Apps] on the left-hand navigation pane.
  3. Select [Create Private App]
  4. In the [Basic Info] tab, enter the details of your app
    • Enter the app’s [name]
    • Select [upload icon] to provide a square logo image for the app
    • Enter the app’s [description]
  5. In the [Scopes] tab, select [Write] or [Read] checkbox for each scope access.
  6. Select [Create app] button in the top right corner.
  7. Select [Continue Creating] after reviewing the information for the app’s access token.

Enable trackCustomBehavioralEvent in App

  1. Copy Access Token
    • In the [Access_Token] tab, select [Show Token] and select [Copy]
      This access token is required in the UI to send data

In the MetaRouter UI

Connect MetaRouter and HubSpot

  1. Navigate to the [Integrations] tab
  2. In [1 Parameter], add the [HubSpot Access Token]
  3. Select [Apply Changes] and [Save as New Revision]


  1. Add Hubspot sync

What HubSpot Identifiers are Required?

FieldAdditional InformationSync Connection

*either the utk or email is required when triggering a custom event.

How do I configure MetaRouter's Sync Injector with HubSpot?

On the first page load, the MetaRouter sync injector drops the HubSpot tracking code tag. On an identify call, it triggers a HubSpot tag call _hsq.push(['identify', {...traits}]). The tag fires with a timestamp and hubspotuk id. The hubspotuk id saves in the browser as a MeraRouter 1st-party cookie, which is used within the event payload for identity.

What are the requirements for the Sync?

FieldAdditional Information
Cookie Lifetime (in days)Desired Cookie Lifetime for the hubspotutk Id
Client IDHubSpot Client ID

What is the Required Event Payload?

FieldAdditional Information

Where is Additional HubSpot Documentation?
