Convert Sync

What Is Convert?

Convert is a versatile software tool designed for businesses to optimize their digital marketing efforts. It offers a suite of features including A/B testing, split URL testing, and multivariate testing to improve website performance and conversion rates. Convert provides intuitive, user-friendly interfaces for setting up experiments, tracking results, and making data-driven decisions, helping businesses to refine their online strategies and maximize conversions effectively.

Getting Started

From MetaRouter

To gather the conv_v , you must add a Convert sync.

  1. From the Pipelines page, find the pipeline associated with the web property you’d like to add a sync to. Hover over the three dot dropdown and select “Build AJS File.”
  2. In the Identity Syncs section, select the Convert sync.
  3. Fill out the following fields:
    1. Consent Type - We recommend that you consult with your legal team when determining your consent requirements.
    2. Cookie Lifetime (in days) - 365 recommended
  4. Scroll down and click the Save and Build File button.
  5. Deploy your AJS file to propagate changes to your web property.

Technical Details

Sync Types

syncType: firstPartyCookie

Sync Ids

ids: conv_v


  • This sync copies the value of cookie conv_v and stores them in storage with the name *_convert_conv_v for the set cookieTimeToLive duration in the UI then sends the value back to our ingestor.


Values added to storage

  • *_convert_conv_v
    • Time to live: Set by the Cookie Lifetime setting in the UI(e.g. 365 days). Defaults to 365 days.
    • Notes: N/A

Server-Side Event Payload: providers object enrichments

Upon completion of all vendor's sync, the server-side events will incorporate all resolved identifiers as described above. The following object will be appended to the context.providers property within the event's JSON payload

   "convert": {
     "conv_v": "vi:1*sc:5*cs:1692805037*fs:1690986511*pv:6*exp:{100336255.{v.1003146638-g.{100318265.1}}-100336898.{v.1003148145-g.{100318265.1}}-100337079.{v.1003148611-g.{}}-100337189.{v.1003148886-g.{}}}*ps:1692733076"

UI build settings

  • (Required) Cookie Lifetime (in days)
    • Defines the duration after which a stored value is automatically removed from storage unless renewed. When this time expires, the corresponding storage marker is deleted.
    • Example: 365

What’s Next

If applicable, proceed with setting up your Convert Starter Kit.