Commission Junction Sync

What Is Commission Junction?

Commission Junction provides a platform that connects advertisers with a network of publishers, making it easier for both parties to find suitable partnerships. Publishers promote the advertisers’ products through various channels such as websites, blogs, social media, email marketing, etc. When a user clicks on an affiliate link and completes a desired action, the publisher earns a commission.

Getting Started

From MetaRouter

To gather the cjevent value, you must add a Commission Junction sync.

  1. From the Pipelines page, find the pipeline associated with the web property you’d like to add a sync to. Hover over the three-dot dropdown and select “Build AJS File.”
  2. In the Identity Syncs section, select the Commission Junction sync.
  3. Fill out the following fields:
    1. Cookie Lifetime (in days) - 390 days is recommended
  4. Scroll down and click the Save and Build File button.
  5. Deploy your AJS file to propagate changes to your web property.

Technical Details

Sync Types

syncType: urlParams

Sync Ids

ids: cjevent


  • The sync captures the values of all URL parameters listed below and stores them in storage using the format *_commissionJunction_{urlParamName}, retaining each value for the duration specified by the cookieTimeToLive setting in the UI.
  • These storage marker(s) will be updated with the new value and reset to the full duration whenever the corresponding URL parameter(s) are detected again.
  • Consequently, all server-side events will be enhanced with the context.providers.commissionJunction object as detailed in "Server-Side Event Payload" section.

URL Parameters

  • cjevent


Values added to storage

  • *_commissionJunction_cjevent
    • Time to live: Set by the Cookie Lifetime setting in the UI(e.g. 30 days). Defaults to 365 days.
    • Notes: N/A

Server-Side Event Payload: providers object enrichments

Upon completion of all vendor's sync, the server-side events will incorporate all resolved identifiers as described above. The following object will be appended to the context.providers property within the event's JSON payload

   "commissionJunction": {
     "cjevent": "URL parameter value from cjevent"

UI build settings

  • (Required) Cookie Lifetime (in days)
    • Defines the duration after which a stored value is automatically removed from storage unless renewed. When this time expires, the corresponding storage marker is deleted.
    • Example: 30

What’s Next

If applicable, proceed with setting up your Commission Junction Starter Kit.